ws15.php2015-11-10qzdqzdzqdzqdzqd. . .more

Who Performs Botox Procedures2014-06-19Injectable pharmaceutical therapies are readily available but there are many unqualified providers offering treatment. Often, these unqualified providers entice consumers with deep discounts, and in some cases, treatment is provided with an unknown or imported substance that is not FDA approved.. . .more

Excessive Sweating 2014-06-17Sweating is necessary to control body temperature during times of exercise and warm/hot surroundings. Sweating is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. Botox can be used to resolve some excessive sweating. . .more

BOTOX® Cosmetic for Wrinkle Reduction2014-06-17There is no dispute. Both doctors and more than 3 million patients who underwent BOTOX® Cosmetic injections in 2004 (as reported by Allergan) agree that BOTOX® Cosmetic is effective in treating frown lines and crow's feet.. . .more

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